M-Live Discipleship Process

More people sent like Jesus

A local collaborative discipleship process that strengthens you in your faith and empowers you to share it.

M-Live Discipleship Process

More people sent like Jesus

A local collaborative discipleship process that strengthens you in your faith and empowers you to share it.

M-Live Discipleship Process

More people sent like Jesus

A local collaborative discipleship process that strengthens you in your faith and empowers you to share it.

Group of people talking
Group of people talking
Group of people talking

3 Learning Objectives

You will be equipped to love Jesus and His gospel...


Grow in knowing more about who you are in Jesus and how you remain connected with Him.


Grow as a disciple, thriving in community and embodying discipleship in every aspect of your life.


Grow in sharing Jesus and His good news with your friends and neighbors.

"I have noticed, through mLive I am learning to share my faith in everyday life."


The Process

What to expect

A year-long process. Over 10 sessions, you will cover 5 important topics for your discipleship.

Together in the neighborhood. You meet with Christians from different churches in regional learning groups.

A journey in community. Together, two or three of you go through the process.

A collaboration. The process was designed by Christians from different churches in Frankfurt and Offenbach.

People meeting in living room
People meeting in living room
People meeting in living room

"mLive is a truly great opportunity to realize how good and profound the Gospel is, and how it transforms my entire life."



What does a unit look like


Group Meeting

Engage in group meetings within your area, alongside individuals from diverse churches, to explore and practice what you learn together.


Duo / Trio

During meetups as a duo or trio in your neighborhood, exchange experiences, encourage each other, and pray for your friends and neighbors.



In each unit, there's an exercise to help you apply the content to your own life.



We take time to watch videos and read a text as preparation for the upcoming group meeting.

"mLive changed my perspective in a simple yet profound way."


People eating together
People eating together
People eating together

Are you ready to deepen your discipleship together with others?

Are you ready to deepen your discipleship together with others?

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MainProjekt unites churches and organizations to foster a gospel movement in Frankfurt and Offenbach by planting churches, enriching communities, and spreading the gospel.

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MainProjekt unites churches and organizations to foster a gospel movement in Frankfurt and Offenbach by planting churches, enriching communities, and spreading the gospel.

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MainProjekt unites churches and organizations to foster a gospel movement in Frankfurt and Offenbach by planting churches, enriching communities, and spreading the gospel.

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